Academic Rules & Regulations

ISGJ - The Jewellery College


General Rules and Regulations Guideline

The participant indicates his acknowledgement and his full acceptance of these academic rules and regulations, when returning the completed and signed registration form.

General Admission

  • Applicants must be at least 18 years of age and above
  • Applicants must pass the required qualifications/experience expectations, as outlined in the course registration form.
  • For courses taught in English & Hindi participants must have a good command of English & Hindi language in writing/speaking in order to benefit fully from the course sessions
  • ISGJ reserves the right to deny an application and cancel an enrolment within 7 days of admission.
  • In case of loss of Diploma certificate, students may request a reprint of diploma certificates after the completion of courses, an administration charge will be payable by them.

How to Apply?

  • Students may submit registration forms at any time via our website or via direct email or at ISGJ college.
  • Payment of fees must be made in advance and will be accepted in the form of cheques, cash, bank drafts and online transfer
  • Courses are subject to availability. Students who apply for a course that has reached capacity, will be waitlisted and notified by ISGJ if an open space becomes available
  • Course fees must be submitted within 5 business days of your registration to guarantee a space in the class
  • Registration documents (2 passport size photographs, 2 copy of valid ID proof) must be received not later than 7 business days prior to course start
  • ISGJ will send applicants an enrolment confirmation upon receipt of their application.
  • Students should ensure that the correct total amount is transferred excluding the bank transfer charges.

Attendance Rules & Policy

  • Course lectures begin promptly at their scheduled starting times and students are expected to be punctual
  • Students are not allowed to remove any projects or materials from the classroom without the permission of the instructor
  • Mobile phone or any other electronic communication devices must be set on silent mode and may not be used during class hours
  • All classes must be attended in full and a successful passing is required in order to be awarded the ISGJ diploma certificate of attendance at the end of each course.
  • Missed lectures may be repeated in next class or as per faculty schedule.

Classroom Materiel & Equipment

  • All necessary Course materiel & equipment will be provided by ISGJ

Copyright Policy

  • ISGJ course materials and PowerPoint presentations are the sole property of ISGJ
  • Any unauthorized use, notably reproduction and distribution of copyrighted ISGJ course materials and PowerPoint presentations is strictly prohibited and may be subject to civil and criminal prosecution
  • No photographs or videos allowed in class neither from the participants nor from the screen unless otherwise instructed

Fees and Course dates

  • The course fees are based on the current price list at the time of the application. ISGJ may, by giving notice to the applicant at any time up to the point of sending the enrolment confirmation, change the prices or calendar dates for any reason. Upon receiving notice of such changes, the applicant may cancel the registration if he/she so chooses

Refund and Cancellation Policies

  • There will be no refunds paid by ISGJ to enrolled applicants, unless a cancellation results from a price or course date change on behalf of ISGJ College
  • ISGJ may exceptionally cancel or re-schedule courses in case of unforeseen unavailability of the course instructor. You will be contacted for the re-scheduling process or for refund payment of applicable course fees